domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

How to preview PSD files without opening Photoshop?

What do you do to sort your Photoshop (PSD) files on your Computer? Do you open them in Adobe Photoshop every other time to check whether they are important or not or which to delete and which not? That’s very time-consuming and boring, isn’t it? For those who have hundreds of PSD files on their disk, it’s nothing but a cumbersome process.
What if you can have a quick preview of your PSD files? I guess, it will solve the problem, in fact, it is the only solution.
Of course, you can name your PSD files descriptively to help yourself identify them later. But a preview is little more than that, which reminds your of the file in a click and helps in choosing quickly the desired one from many others files. Adobe Photoshop doesn’t provide the automatic thumbnail view of files in Windows explorer by default, which can be achieved through a small excutable program (EXE).
Here is a small utility called ThumbView Lite which allows you to preview your PSD files in the Windows Explorer without rushing to Photoshop. It also supports around 19 image formats other than PSD including CUTDCXDDSMDLMNGPCDPCXPICPIX. After the installation, you just refresh the Windows and open a folder which contains some PSD files. You will be able to see the thumbnail preview of your files in the right sidebar under“Details” tab with the “Tiles” / “Icons” / “List” / “Details” file view. Or just change the fileview to “Thumbnails” (right-click, choose “View” » “Thumbnails”).
Download ThumbView Lite (Windows executable file)

ThumbView Lite
Mac users have more alternatives, they can use Quick look or Preview for the same.

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